Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I know, I know, Thanksgiving was almost 2 weeks ago.  Better late than never I guess.  We really do have a lot to be thankful for and had an awesome thanksgiving celebration.  Trish got home on Thursday from the appendectomy she had on Tuesday, so we postponed it a day and celebrated on Friday. 

We had about 30 people over for a feast.  Here's the leftovers:

We baked 4 chickens, had sweet potato casserole, corn, biriyani, rice, dahl, chutney, a spicy shrimp curry, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, fruit salad, green beans and of course lots of desserts. 

Victoria's teacher Megan went to a lot of effort to decorate for thanksgiving.  It was really nice.  What I like most about what she did was her thanksgiving turkey.  She put up a picture of a turkey and had cut feathers out of construction paper and had markers for people to write what they were thankful for and then they taped them to the turkey.  Here's a picture when the turkey was about half filled with feathers (I didn't get a picture of it complete):

Some of the things people were thankful for include:

I'm thankful Trish is home without her appendix.
I'm thankful for the good food.
I'm thankful for God sending his son to die for me.
I'm thankful to be born as a human being (written by a buddhist friend)
God's perfect timing, confirming my calling in Calcutta
I'm thankful that God is helping me always

We had a great time which was followed by a flour bomb war.  I've made a facebook photo album which you can view here.

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