Friday, December 10, 2010

11 Getting Baptized this Week

One of our leaders told me today that he recently decided to teach some believers how simple people could use story telling to start new house churches.  He said most of the Chrisitans in his area are illiterate or barely literate and he wanted to equip them to share the gospel and start house churches using storytelling. 

He told them 6 stories, creation, the creation of spirits, the fall of man and a couple more and ended with the ten commandments.  He then told them how they could use those stories to explain to others the man's need for Christ.

He was excited when three of the believers he shared with came back soon after and had implemented what he said.  The result is that there will be a baptism this week for 11 new believers! One of the three, a young man named Roman shared with his father and the rest of his family who were not believers.  They not only put their faith in Christ, but donated land to the church. Praise God for what he's doing!

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