Friday, May 14, 2010

Police Action Averted

Yesterday I had the privelege of meeting with Bisho Tigga (pictured above). She's one of our students and group leaders. She leads two small discipleship groups. Both are currently going through Foundational Bible Storytelling, using the Simply the Story method. She had a great testimony of how God has transformed her.

Bisho said that recently she's spent a lot of money for Purmila's wedding (Purmila is her daughter in the Lord) and for fixing her dilapidated house. As a result of the blessings God has provided her to be able to do these things, Bisho's sister became very jealous and began accusing her of stealing. Bisho's sister forced herself into Bisho's house and began searching for things that she said Bisho had stolen, including some clothing.

Bisho said had this happened before, her response to her sister would have been so severe that the police would likely have had to be called. However, she said that she just remembered the story that she had recently told of God's promise to Abraham in Genesis 12. She said in that story we learn that God said, "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you." Bisho said because of this promise and the knowledge that God would act on her behalf, she was able to just sit quietly and peacefully. She said her sister found nothing and left. Bisho said that she's been changed by the truth of God's Word which she has learned in the discipleship class she attended with us.
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1 comment:

Megan Stephens said...

what an awesome testimony of the truth of God's Word. it's amazing how confident we are when we know that God is with us!