Thursday, April 15, 2010

Our family is smaller

Some of you see the title and think, "did someone die?" It's not that, but for the past 3 weeks, we had 2 more sons, Gougou and Mamang, 2 boys from Manipur. Our friends, Jodi and Nelson have a small children's home and had to run to the states for 3 weeks and so loaned us 2 of their 6 kids. 3 others went to 2 different places and their adopted daughter, Esther went with them to the states.

Anyway, for the last 3 weeks, we've enjoyed the boys, playing praise and worship on the guitar, Gougou feeding my fish in my aquaponics project, Mamang showing off his muscles, teaching them to play spades, playing soccer and watching them try to kill birds with the slingshot. They also joined in on disecting a frog

Alas, Jodi and Nelson returned yesterday and took them back. Our house is a bit quieter now.

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