Thursday, November 12, 2009

God's Word Made Accessible

This week we've been recording Bible Stories in Sadri, a local tribal language for which there is no Bible translation. Many Sadri people are illiterate. Many of those who can read are functionally illiterate since they read on such a low level. Those that read well have to rely on the Hindi Bible. For all of these reasons, oral methods are ideal for Sadri speakers.

We've been doing story telling with Sadri speaking people for almost 2 years. We've had the plan for a long time to record Bible stories in this language so that they have an oral canon, something they can refer to in learning the stories and making sure people are telling the stories correctly. This week, it's becoming reality - God's Word is being mad accessible to Sadri speakers in their own language!

We thank God for everyone who has contributed to Emmanuel Ministries International. With these funds, we've been able to buy time in a recording studio, buy editing equipment and give a little bit to the person doing the interpretation and voice work. We are also thankful for the various ways God has used individuals and other organizations to educate us in the intricacies of audio recording, editing, and Scripture translation so that we can incorporate best practices in what we're doing.

God is good and He's doing great things!
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